Information Summary

The United States Space Command Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requester Service Center complies with DOJ Executive Order 13,392, FOIA Improvement Plan. Any person has the right to submit a FOIA request for Federal agency records, except for those protected from disclosure by any of nine exemptions or three special law enforcement exclusions. The Department of Defense (DoD) primarily uses exemptions 1 – 7.

Title 5 U.S.C. § 552Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and DoD Manual 5400.07DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program, and SPI 2430-01AFOIA Program, govern how FOIA requests are processed within USSPACECOM. Please see Making a FOIA Request for more information.

Multiple requests for the same documents are posted in our FOIA Reading Room. Please search the Reading Room to determine if the information you seek is posted. When documents have been processed, but not posted to the Reading Room, they will be provide to you in the manner in which they were initially processed. Previously partial or total denied documents will not be reassessed unless superseded by a new or updated document.

Please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center at or by calling (719) 552-1631.  

A single civilian employee manages the USSPACECOM FOIA program and requests are typically processed in the order they are received. FOIA litigations and litigation consultations are court order driven and take precedence over all other requests. As such, expect delays when litigations are in progress.



Processing Fees: Requesters should submit a fee declaration as follows:

  • Commercial: Indicate a willingness to pay all search, review and duplication costs.

  • Educational or Noncommercial Scientific Institution or News Media: Indicate a willingness to pay duplication charges in excess of 100 pages

  • All Others: Indicate a willingness to pay assessable search and duplication costs when more than two hours of search or more than 100 pages are desired.

Receiving Our Response: E-mail is the preferred method and eliminates hardcopy duplication fees. However, there is a 10 MB limit when e-mailing responsive documents. Large documents up to 8.0 GB, will be sent via DOD SAFE (Secure Access File Exchange). SAFE allows securely encrypted unclassified files to be sent through e-mail to requesters who are not able to receive encrypted e-mails. You will be notified when our response is uploaded to SAFE. A password to open the file will be provided to you in a separate e-mail.

Should you wish to inquire about mediation services, you may contact the OSD/JS FOIA Public Liaison, Toni Fuentes, at 571-372-0462 or by email at, or the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration.



Department of Defense (DoD) Freedom of Information Act Handbook. This document provides basic information about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program within the Department of Defense (DoD).