IG Summary
USSPACECOM Inspector General

U.S. Air Force Col. Chris Buckley

United States Space Command Inspector General

U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Sabra Williams

Senior Enlisted Leader

The U.S. Space Command Inspector General reports directly to the commander, serving to report on efficiency, discipline, morale, training and readiness throughout the command. Within the office of the IG, the inspection and complaints/investigations processes perform as fair, impartial and objective fact-finding to assist senior leaders and the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, Airmen, Guardians civilians and their families to quickly resolve issues of concern.

For concerns, please contact the USSPACECOM IG Hotline: 
Commercial 719-552-1363/DSN 559-1363.

The hotline is not answered by a person. Callers can remain anonymous.

The Joint Inspector General Action Request DD Form 2949 is required to document a case. Download the form and save it before filling out. Mail this form to 1670 Newport Rd., Rm 272; Colorado Springs, CO 80916. Be aware using mail may delay processing. For more expeditious processing, you can email it to USSPACECOM IG . Interested parties can file an IG complaint at any level, including the Department of Defense Inspector General. The DoD IG can be contacted via  their website or by calling the hotline at 800-424-9098. Regulations require particular issues use other-than-IG channels for redress. A list of those matters can be found here.

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