GEN Dickinson Testimony
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Biography: Army Gen. James H. Dickinson
TRANSCRIPT: House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces Holds Hearing on Strategic Forces Posture - Mar. 1, 2022
TRANSCRIPT: Senate Armed Services Committee Testimony on United States Strategic Command and United States Space Command in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2023 - Mar. 8, 2022


GEN Dickinson on Competition with China

"China remains our pacing challenge. PLA developments -- are directed towards creating a joint, versatile, power-projecting professional and lethal force for the international stage. And the space layer is critical to their buildout. In 2021, the PRC increased on orbit assets by 27 percent. Their recent counter capability demonstrations include the DN1 and DN2 direct-ascent anti-satellite tests and the hypersonic glide vehicle test.

In January, the recently launched SJ 21 space debris mitigation satellite docked with a defunct PRC satellite and moved it to an entirely different orbit. This activity demonstrated a potential dual use capability in SJ 21 interaction with other satellites. US Space Command is committed to deterring the use of these types of capabilities for nefarious purposes within the framework of the Department of Defense's Integrated Deterrence Initiative."

GEN Dickinson on Space Domain Awareness

"Key to all of this is US and allied space superiority informed through Space Domain Awareness, or SDA, capabilities. SDA helps us analyze not just identify what is occurring in space, which when combined with information from our intelligence agencies, helps develop an understanding of why things are happening in space.

SDA remains my top mission priority for US Space Command. SDA provides the backbone of US Space Command strategy for accomplishing our mission. That strategy sets the conditions to deter first and, when called upon, to defend space capabilities and deliver combat power to the United States and its allies."

GEN Dickinson on total force

"As of this month, we have approximately a thousand members assigned to our headquarters with 339 active duty from all services, 227 from the Department of the Air Force civilians, 323 contractors, 44 representatives from the interagency, and 39 reserve component personnel from the Guard and Reserve. We are glad to have them all on our team."

GEN Dickinson on the people of U.S. Space Command

"I'm honored today to represent the approximately 18,000 men and women of the United States Space Command. We are a diverse team that values the honorable service of everyone within our ranks. This month, we honor the contributions of the women on our team as US Space Command acknowledges and celebrates Women's History Month. Today, we remain hard at work building the command toward full operational capability. We are steadily filling out our headquarters. Its composition reflects our joint, combined, and partnered approach to executing our critical mission."

Latest from USSPACECOM
Columbian Air Force 1st Lt. Maria Camila Villegas, Space Operations Headquarters deputy director space operations modernization, listens to U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Dhruva Pluru, 222d Command and Control Squadron Joint Commercial Operations deputy training and exercise, during exercise Resolute Sentinel 2024 in Lima, Peru, June 5, 2024. Within space operations, there are multiple components, including space launch, and satellite operations and maneuvers. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Courtney Sebastianelli)
RS24 enhances global space domain awareness with partner nations
By Senior Airman Courtney Sebastianelli | June 10, 2024
Dedication to space domain awareness plays a crucial role in maintaining global security and advancing the capabilities of partner nations. Throughout exercise Resolute Sentinel 2024, the U.S. and its allies gathered throughout South America to conduct Space Domain Awareness (SDA) training and collaborate on space operations.

Lt. Gen. Sean A. Gainey, commanding general of U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, welcomes Gen. Anthony J. Cotton, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, to the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Cotton and Gainey had the opportunity to witness SMDC’s team as they played an important role in supporting the Air Force’s Glory Trip-249, June 4. On June 6, SMDC also supported GT-250. During the tests, two unarmed Minuteman III ICBMs launched from Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, during Air Force Global Strike Command’s operational test and impacted in a pre-established target zone near SMDC’s RTS range and test facility roughly 2,300 miles southwest of Hawaii. (U.S. Army photo by Barbara J. Davis)
STRATCOM commander witnesses RTS professionalism
By | June 7, 2024
A U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command team played an important behind-the-scenes role in supporting the Air Force’s Glory Trip-249, June 4, and GT-250, June 6.

VS24 is a biennial and for the first time, a multinational, joint field training exercise (FTX) focused on integration between U.S. and allied forces in a multi-domain environment. This training enables real-world proficiency in sustaining joint forces through detecting, locating, tracking, and engaging adversary units at sea, in the air, in space, on land, and in cyberspace in response to a range of mission areas. With the involvement of U.S. Space Command, VS24 is expanding the multi-domain collaboration that is incumbent on any large-scale exercise or operation.
USSPACECOM integrates with joint forces and allies for Valiant Shield 24
By | June 6, 2024
U.S. Space Command will participate in exercise Valiant Shield June 7-18, 2024, along with U.S. Indo-Pacific Command joint forces and Allied and partner forces, in Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, and at sea around the Mariana Island Range complex.

Members of the Ecuador and Uruguay armed forces visited Vandenberg Space Force Base for a space familiarization tour 21-23 May. During the visit, participants received briefings on U.S. Space Forces - Space, the Combined Space Operations Center, Space Domain Awareness, and Space-Track.org. Additionally, participants received a tour of the installation including two launch sites and the installation museum. By hosting countries who are new to Space Domain Awareness, the U.S. can share best practices and encourage norms of behavior in space. (U.S. Space Force photo by David Dozoretz)
Ecuador, Uruguay receive SDA familiarization immersion through S4S
By S4S/PA | June 4, 2024
Members of the Ecuador and Uruguay armed forces visited Vandenberg Space Force Base for a space familiarization tour 21-23 May. During the visit, participants received briefings on U.S. Space Forces - Space, the Combined Space Operations Center, Space Domain Awareness, and Space-Track.org. Additionally, participants received a tour of the installation including two launch sites and the installation museum. By hosting countries who are new to Space Domain Awareness, the U.S. can share best practices and encourage norms of behavior in space.

Gen. Stephen Whiting, U.S. Space Command commander, speaks with Vice President Kamala Harris at USSPACECOM’s headquarters, Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado, May 30, 2024. Harris received briefs from leadership about USSPACECOM’s mission and capabilities during her visit. As the chairperson for the National Space Council, Harris advises and assists the President on the development and implementation of space policy and strategy. USSPACECOM, working with Allies and Partners, plans, executes, and integrates military spacepower into multi-domain global operations in order to deter aggression, defend national interests, and when necessary, defeat threats. (U.S. Space Command photo by Christopher DeWitt/Released)
USSPACECOM hosts Vice President
By | June 3, 2024
U.S. Space Command hosted Vice President Kamala Harris at USSPACECOM’s headquarters, Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado, May 30, 2024.