WEBVTT 00:01.820 --> 00:04.730 I am truly humbled and deeply honored 00:04.860 --> 00:07.199 to assume command of us space command 00:07.210 --> 00:10.210 in its role to protect , defend and 00:10.220 --> 00:12.550 advance our nation's interest in space . 00:14.619 --> 00:16.690 This morning , outrage from us 00:16.700 --> 00:18.756 officials after Russia carried out a 00:18.756 --> 00:20.922 missile test early Monday and creating 00:20.922 --> 00:23.559 a vast debris field that's now orbiting 00:23.569 --> 00:27.399 earth . The United States will continue 00:27.409 --> 00:30.829 to be a leader in order to establish , 00:30.840 --> 00:33.740 to advance and demonstrate norms for 00:33.750 --> 00:37.270 the responsible and peaceful use of our 00:37.279 --> 00:37.860 space . 00:40.060 --> 00:43.069 321 boosters in 00:44.500 --> 00:47.340 and lift off of Artemis . One , we rise 00:47.349 --> 00:50.509 together back to the moon and beyond .